The Serlington Archives Image Library was developed by Townsweb Archiving Limited to provide a demo area to show how a similar archive can widen access to their digital photo, image and archive collection from the Childrens Society.
This website is driven by TWA's PastView System. For more information about PastView (formerlly known as ArcView) please follow this link.
There are a limited number of images and content within this demo area and it has been set up to show not just a standard image (photographic) bank, but also other types of archive material such as newspapers and transcribed records etc.
Some of the images found within this website belong to TWA clients and should not be downloaded or used without their express prior permission.
You can view similar websites to this by following these links:
The ability for members of the public to purchase prints of images can be added to your website. The order fufilment can be carried out by TWA. Any income is then split between TWA and the client.
If you have a question or query then please feel free to Email Townsweb Archiving Ltd or call: 01536 713834.